Environment and sustainability


Environment and Sustainability.


"A successful company lives in harmony with the society and its surrounding environment. Our company has a strong philosophy of constant innovation. Our strongest focus is on social responsability, proper work ethic and safety, as well as the reduction of the environmental impact of our manufacturing process and minimizing the use of harmful products. We want to ensure sustainability and continuous improvement in the life’s quality"

(Cristina Battista – Vibac Group CEO)

Vibac holds great importance to our role in responsible environmental management while respecting the principles of sustainable development.

That's why we are committed to conduct our business:

  1. In full respect for the environment,

  2. Ensuring the product safety,

  3. Contributing, at the same time, to the social and economic development of the area where we are situated.


  Download Vibac Environmental Policy



The attention to sustainability issues provides for strict and constant monitoring of manufacturing and development activities, in order to:

  • Reduce the environmental impacts of new processes and of changes
  • to existing installations;
  • Decrease the scrap from BOPP and adhesive tape manufacture by increasing the internal recycling;
  • Reduce resources used by the introduction of innovative technologies that enable a higher energy savings;
  • Employ raw materials derived from renewable resources;
  • Promote the sense of responsibility towards the environment among our employees at all levels. A constant prevention against pollution is achieved through the use of risk assessment, through training and planning actions;
  • Create innovative products, providing the converters and the end users with the required technical specifications while enabling the simplification of the structures;
  • Plan and realize innovative and safe products, that allow the increase of the food products' “shelf life”, thus reducing the food wastage.

We are committed to provide and promote working conditions suitable to the protection of physical and moral integrity of our employees and collaborators. In compliance with the regulations in force, both in terms of right to work and the application of regulations regarding health and safety in workplaces.

The management of working arrangements aims to ensure equal opportunities and encourage the professional development of each worker.

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